Jaipur | Anit Muslim posters have removed from outside half a dozen homes that suggested residents should not rent or sell homes to Muslims

A police officer said on Wednesday that these alleged posters appealing to Hindus to unite against Muslims had appeared about 10 days ago, in which it was written, “Appeal to Hindus, stay organized, fight. Muslims unite against jihad.”

राजस्थान जयपुर में लगाए गए नफरती पोस्टर, लिखा ‘मुसलमानों को घर किराए पर ना दें, पुलिस ने हटाए

A case of some posters allegedly being put up in Nandpuri Colony of Jaipur, Rajasthan, calling upon members of the Muslim community not to sell or rent houses, has come to light. However, as soon as this information was received, these posters were removed after police intervention.

A Jaipur police officer said on Wednesday that these alleged posters appealing to Hindus to “unite” against Muslims had surfaced about 10 days ago. Local ward councilor Anita Jain also confirmed this and said that these posters have been removed after explanation by the police.

Ward councilor Anita Jain said, “Some residents had put up these posters after a person had sold his property to a Muslim family a few days ago. However, they were immediately removed.” According to the information received, it was written on these posters: “Appeal to Hindus, stay organized, fight. Stay united against Muslim Jihad.”

Brahmpuri police station officer Ishwar Chandra Pareek said, “This incident happened about 10 days ago. Some residents had pasted posters asking Muslims not to rent or sell their houses. However, after they were explained, these posters were removed.” No case has been registered in this regard.”

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